Monday, May 18, 2020

Negative Effects of Global Warming Essay - 711 Words

Global Warming Global warming is causing a negative effect on the whole planet and we all need to do something to stop it. The climate is changing frequently and is making the planet hotter in some parts and in other parts its making it colder. There are two factors affecting global warming. The first types of factors are natural factors like changes in the solar output, changes in the earths orbit, the green house effect and aerosols. The change in the solar output is the amount of energy radiating from the earth?s sun is not constant. The change of orbit of our planet affects where the sun?s energy is received on earth. Thus affecting the amount of energy that is reflected and absorbed on earth. The aerosols help shield us†¦show more content†¦And since these gases warm the planet they are called the green house effect. The second types of factors are human factors like enhancing the greenhouse effect, land use change, atmospheric aerosols and burning of fossil fuels for energy . We are all enhancing the greenhouse effect by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, etc. The carbon dioxide that is dumped in the atmosphere is at s high rate right now. It?s more than it can be withdrawn or absorbed by the oceans or plants. The carbon dioxide is a main factor of climate change. Also the use of land with the replacement of forests with asphalt or concrete for roads. This alters the way the earth?s surface reflects the sunlight and releases the heat. By reducing the world?s forests and woodlands that will cause a tropical deforestation. Atmospheric aerosols are not the same ones as aerosols. They are from agriculture and industrial activities. They are removed from the atmosphere by gravity and rainfall but they still affect the radiation balance in the atmosphere by causing a thinner atmosphere. Climate changes all around the world are due to global warming. Heat waves and periods of unusually warm weather lead to heat related illness and death in urban areas an d specially the old people, the newborns, the ill and the poor. Global warming is causing the glaciers to melt thus the sea level is rising and there is coastal flooding. A warmerShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effect of Global Warming892 Words   |  4 PagesThe idea of global warming has been drilled into many childrens heads’ starting 5th grade. From there, it has never stopped. The idea that the ozone layer is breaking up around the North Pole is scary, and there isn’t anything society can do about it. It’s not like an illness or cut where a doctor can prescribe medicine or put a Band-Aid on it. It’s a real global disaster. It’s a global disaster that could potentially ruin Earth. Global warming is not only affecting people’s health, but it is alsoRead MoreNegative Effects of Global Warming on Earth819 Words   |  4 Pagesburning fossil fuels. 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