Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Selling A Body For Survival - 1244 Words

Selling a Body for Survival There is actually one very good reason prostitution is known as the world’s oldest profession. It is because it has helped many women survive the toughest of times. No matter what moralists and conservatives say about how evil and corrupt prostitution is, the fact remains that the practice has actually not been that bad when it comes to giving an opportunity to one poor woman to save her family as well as herself. A non-profit media co-operative, New Internationalist Magazine, presents the article, â€Å"Argument: Should prostitution be legalized?† The magazine specializes in investigative reporting on human rights, politics, social and environmental justice. It reports on the issues of world poverty and inequality†¦show more content†¦It demonstrates their arguments and their reasons for why they believe what they claim. The authors show examples from different parts of the world to support their statements. The article demonstrates the situation in India, wh ere poverty is widespread. In fact, according to the New Internationalist Magazine, in India, â€Å"68.7% of people live on less than $2 per day† and as one legally accepts individuals using their heads, hands and other body parts when earning a living, then one must also accept the case of sex workers too† (Post Datta). Moreover, the International Labor Organization, or ILO, considered â€Å"adult sex work as work in a groundbreaking 1998 report† (Post Datta). Thus, it means that adult women cannot possibly find better jobs in a poor country like India, and so they merely resort to prostitution. Besides, with the ILO approving adult sex work as already a necessary moneymaking source and a legal job, then the stigma against prostitution must have declined in the recent years. Prostitution is a very practical way for women to survive, especially those who are far away from their families or who have no one to help them financially. Prostitution somehow serves as the refuge for women who have run away from home. Ian Urbina is a reporter for The New York Times and is the author of the article, â€Å"For Runaways,

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